3 weeks ago we heard from Dr. N that J has extremely high strep titers. He has PANDAS (pediatric auto-immune neuropsychiatric disorder associated with strep). This auto-immune disorder is responsible for all kinds of behavioral issues, from ADHD & tics to OCD & emotional lability and everything in between. Could it be that PANDAS has been contributing to my J’s struggles for years?? Could this be another major piece of his puzzle?  Well, Praise God, I am beside myself right now thinking back over the last few days. The very day that we got the PANDAS news, I started J on OnGuard Plus. I actually know 3 families that have dealt with this nightmare before me, and I know that antibiotics are typically prescribed for very extended periods of time. Well, we can’t do that with J. His gut is too inflamed. So, what do I have in my all-natural medicine cabinet for my little buddy – OnGuard Plus. It contains the doTERRA essential oils of On Guard, oregano, melissa, & black pepper. I’ve been giving it to him 3 times per day for the last 3 weeks. I noticed the change in J on Thursday afternoon. We were alone in the van on the way to see Dr. N. J talked the entire trip about ideas for his birthday party, about a hunting trip he’d like to go on with dad where he would hunt for bears not wild hogs, about his school day… Just talking – at a level I had never talked with him before. This new pattern has continued through the weekend. We saw him voluntarily walk away from the Wii & dig out a traffic puzzle game and work on it for 45 minutes. The focus he demonstrated floors me. He did all kinds of pretending with G today. So fun, like neurologically normal little people! Please Lord, may these positive changes continue…


On Guard Plus is anti-viral & anti-bacterial with many additional side benefits – like the power of melissa on brain function.  We are just so thankful for our oils!!
